Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Death Dreams of a Tropical Vacation

Today is the fourteenth day of the 31 Days of Halloween Challenge and Blog Hop, sponsored by Smeared Ink and the Smeared and Smudged forum!

To see everyone who is participating in the blog hop, follow the blog roll on the right.  If you're following the blog roll, you probably got here from Sue's blog and will want to proceed to Leslie's blog after you've stopped here!

Thanks to all of you who have given me such kind feedback on my projects up to now!

I'm taking a break from my A Gibson Girl Halloween series for a while (the Gibson Girls will reappear later in the month, though!) and today I'm introducing a new series I've been having fun with, Death Has a Life Too.  This first entry, a 6 x 6 fat page, is entitled "Death Dreams of a Tropical Vacation."

The details:

  1. Death image--Antique Skeleton digi stamp from AntiqueGraphique etsy shop
  2. Background paper--Multicraft Stack Pad 6x6 Perfect Prints Vintage 2
  3. Larger palm tree--palm tree stamp from Prairie Peddlers ebay store
  4. Smaller palm tree--unknown stamp manufacturer
  5. Blending chalks-- unknown maker
  6. KimberlyGeneral’s and Loew Cornell watercolor pencils
  7. Alphabet--Studio G alphabet stamps
  8. Prima Marketing Chalk Ink Edgers
  9. Clearsnap Colorbox Chalk Inks


  1. Will miss the girls but Death is a hoot! Pretty spooky, though. LOL LOVE it! xxD

  2. Kind of Creepy but intriguing.
    Death sure seems flexible.

  3. Silly Death dreaming! Wonderful bendy Death. Love this dreamy scene.

  4. Very imaginative! Look forward to seeing the girls later but like the start of this set!

  5. Fantastic! Love this page! Cant wait to see what else Death gets up to! :) x

  6. Unique idea! Hope I don't end up at the same day spa as Death however!:) Love this fat page! Very imaginative and clever!!

  7. How low can you go, how low can you go. So creative love it

  8. This one made me laugh, poor death. Great idea and images.

  9. LOL, fun fat page, and what an imaginative idea :)

  10. Who else but you could make this image one of lighthearted laughter? I love what you've done here!
