Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Hey Kid!

Today is the long-awaited first day of the 31 Days of Halloween Challenge and Blog Hop, sponsored by Smeared Ink and the Smeared and Smudged forum!

To see everyone who is participating, follow the blog roll on the right.  If you're here from Sue's blog, welcome!

To lead off, I offer this little scene (a 6x6 fat page) entitled Hey Kid!

To me, clowns are always creepy, and this one rising from the dead is creepier than most.  (In fact, when my son was very small, I taught him to say, "Twowns awe pwetty tweepy.")

The details are as follows:

  1. Little B Kraft/White chipboard
  2. Gelatos by Faber Castell
  3. Vellum--unknown maker
  4. Clown parts & sentiment from Build-A-Clown set by BasicGrey (now, sadly, discontinued) 
  5. Tombstone—hand drawn
  6. Running child—from Stampers Anonymous Studio 490 by Wendy Vecchi Art for Men set
  7. Moon—from Sun, Moon, and Stars set by Metropolitan Museum of Art
  8. Spectrum Noir colored pencils
  9. Alphabets—All Night Media Jive Alphabet (note:  the set that I have is no longer available, but a larger size in the same font is available here) & Studio G Alphabet Set
  10. Trees--stamp by D.O.T.S. no longer available
Now continue to Leslie's blog and keep enjoying the Halloween creations!


  1. EEEEKKKK!!!! Clowns creep me out BIG TIME! Super creepy scene you've created and I LOVE it! xxD

  2. oooh my gosh clowns are soooo creepy! Love what you have done here, awesome!~kim

  3. hahaah, love it. Fab senti and who doesn't love a creepy clown? in a grave? in the middle of night? Awesome job on this.

  4. AWESOME!!!! LOVE the twown!!!!

  5. Hiya Sarah, A great scene, loads to look at and well done you - the hand drawn tombstone is fantastic! I really do get freaked out by clowns so a buried one suits me just fine.

  6. I am still laughing as i put in my response. that was awesome sent is. Love it

  7. I agree - clowns are always creepy!!! And this is a fabulous creepy clown scene! love it! x

  8. Oh wicked scary clown card! Yes, I agree too, Clowns can be very scary indeed! Nice introduction to the 31 days! Clown = Stephen King's "IT" !!!

  9. I have to agree.
    I liked clowns when I was young, but your presentation really CREEPS me out!

  10. Scary! The clown is really frightening! Love your creation - looking forward to seeing the next one!

  11. A Fabulous project, love the clown, he is really creepy

    Hugs Erin xx

  12. Eeeeek a clown, run kid run! LOL! Great start to the hop! Happy October!

  13. That is one creepy clown! Poor kid....never will recover good thing he is paper:)! Great job! I love it even though I may have nightmares....hehehe! Super way to start our month by example!

  14. I relate to the clown scare, my youngest daughter is terrified by them. This is one scary project!

  15. Well any clown coming out of a grave would certainly scare me too.

  16. Got to agree, clowns=creepy, this guy definitly fits the bill.

  17. Ha! Love that you taught your son that! My son hates!!!!! clowns and refuses to go to the circus. Wonderful project!

  18. Fabulously creepy, but it did make me giggle :)

  19. WONDERFUL... I would run also!!!!!!
